Villem Jahu

born 1985, Tartu, EST
lives and works in Tallinn, EST


VILLEM JAHU is an interdiciplinary artist, free improviser, synthesist.


November 2024 sound performances in Bilbao (MEM Festival) & Madrid, CRUCE


september 2024 Arrowgroup → exhibition In Murky Water 2, Kalamaja muuseum, Tallinn

january 2024 sound performances in Manchester & Todmorden

july-august 2023 summer exhibition & culture programme @ White Forest Studio Gallery, Valgemetsa, Estonia

july 2023 solo live sets @ Kühlspot & WestGermany, Berlin, DE

march 2023 sound for Mikk Jäger’s installation @ exhibition Deadline!………?, Islington Mill, Manchester

november 2023 solo live sets in Salford & Aberdeen, UK

october 2022 live sets with Juhan Vihterpal @ BRUITAL BERLIN FURORE festival & PAS, Berlin, Germany

august 2022 festival MÄO RIST, Ajuokse avangaar, Tartu, Estonia

july 2022 White Forest Project Space (VMPR), gallery opening, Valgemetsa, Estonia

summer 2022 RAJA VIIVAT / PIIR JOONED / BORDER LINES (installations, objects, videos, photo) Estomania 3, Haihatus, Joutsa, Finland, →

march 2022 compilation VAHELÜLI / THE LINK BETWEEN
Vahelüli LP cover

february 2022 Electronic instrument building workshop for students of Calouste Gulbekian Music Conservatory and Georg Ots Music School, Braga, Portugal

september 2021 exhibition SEALT SINNA / Let’s Take the Romantic Way, ArtDepoo gallery, Tallinn, Estonia

sept-oct 2020 exhibition Performative Pärnumaa, Pärnu Linnagalerii. →

august 2020 installation Thread with no name, Symposion: Katkestus. Maastike teke ja kadu, Tammiku, Kohila, Estonia (with Kaarel Kütas & Triinu Jürves)

nov-dec 2019 exhibition –> CHECK IN –> <– CHECK OUT<– @ Working Man Gallery, Salford, UK (with Kaarel Kütas & Triinu Jürves)

october 2016 – solo live @ Kanuti Gildi Saal, Improtest concert series

august 2019 → Arrowgroup permanent installation @ Uuden Maailman Spektaakkeeli, Tampere, Finland

may – june 2019 → Arrowgroup residency and permanent outdoor object PASSTROUGH in Copper Leg Artist Residency, Vaskjala, Estonia

may 2019  Adhesion @ Working Man Gallery, Salford, UK

january 2019  → Arrowgroup solo exhibition “In Murky Water” @ Haapsalu Town Gallery, Estonia

November – December 2018  group exhibition Self Identity @ Galleria Kuja, Finland

October 2018  Composer’s Guesthouse, digital album, Daniel Lercher / Villem Jahu

October 2018  live set with Martiini & Riho Kall, Čē (Riga, Latvia)

16.08.-14.09. – residency @ DAR / MOKS

june – Endless Connections. Tallinn Art Week , Noblessner, (→ installation)

17.05 – Aufritt Tallinn, EKKM, Tallinn (solo live)

28.04 – live set with Martiini & Riho Kall, MIM Stuudio

03.03. – live set with Eleonora Tikas & Tont, MIM Stuudio

january 2018 – album monomers | oligomers by adhesion, (C40)

january 13 – album 85,68m presentation at Ateljeelive, Tallinn

december 22th – live set @ Eduard Tubina muuseum, Alatskivi, Estonia

december 2017 – Found Sound Art 1-5, (→, ready-made), group exhibition in ARS Project Space, Tallinn

december 2017 album 85,68m,(C60)

october 2017 → Arrowgroup exhibition in Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia

october 2017  Ear Swap workshop in Klaipeda, during 7 DAYS OF SOUND w. students from Vilnius Art Academy

october 07 – Turbulent M o l e Performance M o d e – music+performance art event, Tallinn

august 2017. Through a Forest Wilderness, Brandenburgischer Kunstverein Potsdam e.V.

14-15.07. Hundred Years (→ installation), festival Futu Muhu 2017, AI Artist Residency, Nõmmküla, Muhu

18.06. Soil Mole Prism Sculptor, Paldiski, Estonia. Experimental music concert day in Paldiski (co-organized with Juhan Vihterpal)

02.06. live soundtrack for Visions in Meditation (Stan Brakhage, 1990) with Rachel Kinbar, Madis Zilmer & Jonas Van den Bossche, festival Detune, Supersonicum, Viljandi, Estonia

16.05. Improtest 12. hooaja lõpujämm, Kanuti Gildi Saal, Tallinn

13.05. live set w. Tont, M. Kleis, Benzokai, Kiwa / KUKU Klubi, Tallinn

19.04. live soundtrack for Un chien andalou (Bunuel/Dali, 1929) with Jonas Van den Bossche, Helikopter, Tallinn

28.03 live sound for performance by Niña Yhared, Okapi Galerii, Tallinn

march-april 2017 Kasutu Rikkus (→ installation), näitus Elust Maal, Kunstihoone, Tallinn

feb. 2017 performances in Turku & Helsinki, Finland

27.01. live set with Eleonora Tikas & Tont, MIM Stuudio

2017 jan. Sound design for Saskia Järve‘s exhibition Memory Fades II, Linnagalerii, Tallinn

17.12.16 Synthetic Mole curves to Prism Mole, experimental music concert event. Grafodroom, Tallinn
(co-organized with Juhan Vihterpal)

17.11.17  live set in Kuku Klubi, Tallinn

10.11.16  live set in Supersonicum, Viljandi

sept-oct 2016 autumn 2016 tour with Jonas Van den Bossche & Tont. /26.09 – LT Vilnius – Kirtimu Kulturos Centras/29.09 – PL Poznan – LAS/30.09 – DE Dortmund – MEX/01.10 – NL Tilburg – Gifgrond/02.10 – NL Rotterdam – De Nieuwe Ruimte/15.10 – DE Berlin – Hangar 49/16.10 – DE Berlin – Noiseberg/18.10 – Dresden – Zentralwerk

28.08.16 solo sound performance @ A L A T E A D U S Closing Event, Amandus Adamsoni Majamuuseum, Paldiski

27.08.16 Window Show, City-Tour-Art-Exhibition, Tallinn (co-organized with Paulo Ramos & Kersti Vallikivi)

2016 july, sound installation Experimental Field, exhibition Omega 3, Mooste, Estonia

2016 may, solo exhibition Paldiski soundsystem, Amandus Adamson Studio Museum Gallery, Paldiski, Estonia

2016 april, album presentation performance @ Arhiiv, Tartu

2016 april, sound design for Saskia Järve‘s exhibition “Mälu kaob”, Tartu Kunstimaja, Tartu

2016 march, soundscape for Mikk Jäger’s installation Transition Area, EKKM, Tallinn

2016 jan 201501 / lyllemäe mixtape –  split tape with Underground Forest, c90

2015 oct, Live audiovisual performance in KUMU Art Museum

2015 oct, Beach (→, installation) event Blue Blood, Balti Jaam depot, Tallinn, EST

2015 sept, 4 channel sound performance with Taavi Suisalu, MIMStuudio, Tallinn, EST
2015 july, sound performances with Taavi Suisalu, Loviisa & Helsinki, FI

2015 july (Silma)piiripunkt, (→, installation), festival Future-Horizon, Muhu island, EST
2015 Metamorphoses of the Black Square (photo, video) KUMU, Tallinn / group exhibition

2014 THORNMENTA (→, installation), Super Tokonoma, Kassel, Germany

2014 OKKAVIBRA (→, installation), Kreutzberg Pavillion, Berlin, Germany

2013 GOOD DEAL (→, installation), Estomania Festival, Huuto Gallery, Helsinki, Finland

2013 MAN OVERBOARD, (10x10meters, “dance” performance) Kanuti Gildi Saal, Tallinn

2013 The End of The World is a Catastrophe Only When Someone Survives (10x10m, performance), Made in Estonia Maraton, Kanuti Gildi Saal, Tallinn

2012 Human Forestry (10x10meters, performance, video), Esityskomposti, Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland

2012 Next Wave (→, installation), Estomania Festival, Gallery Oksasenkatu 11, Helsingi, Finland

2012 6×10 Heroes (10x10meters, performance), Kanuti Gildi Saal, EST

2012 A Horse, Indian & Red Haired Girl (→, installation), 2nd International Tartu Print Festival, Estonia

2011 survial kit. from estonia with love (→, installation), Survival Kit Festival, Riga, Latvia

2011 For Love Not Money. For Beginners (→, installation), 15th Tallinn Print Triennal, EAST Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia

2011 FULL OF LOVE (→ , installation), Gallery Metropol, Tallinn

2010 Passage (→, video installation), Pärnu Filmi- ja Videofestival FIDEOSUPERMARKET, Port Artur2, Pärnu

2010 Bussijaam Heliseb (→, video installation), Tallinn Bus Station, Estonia

2010 Fallen Madonna With Big Boobies (→, painting, video), EAST Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia

2010 Pidusöök(Stiihia) (→, performance), Kiltsi lennujaam, festival Seanahk, Estonia

2010 Sculpture&Palimpsest (→, photo), Nabaklab, Riga, Latvia

2010 Black Sea (→, performance), Diverse Universe 2010, Pärnu

2009 Paradise Is Not Lost (photo), Tsereteli Art Gallery, Moscow

2009 Immunity Summary & the Outside World (→ , installation), Y- Gallery and Kultuurikatel, Tartu/Tallinn

2009 Landscape With an Arrow (→, paintings) Võru Town Gallery, Estonia

2008 Execution (photo), IX Biennale of Graphic Art of the Baltic Sea Countries Kaliningrad-Königsberg, Kaliningrad, Russia

2008 Casting Fro a New Member (→, installation), 1st ARTISHOK Year Exhibition, Tallinn Town Gallery

2007 Money For Nothing or Flowerchildren (→, installation), Draakoni Gallery, Tallinn

2007 A Man and a Woman (→, photo)Tallinn IXV Print Triennial, Kumu Art Museum, Tallinn

2007 Jeune création européenne, (→, video), Montrouge, France

2007 Violently Happy (→, installation/photo), Tallinn Town Gallery

2006 Snow-White’s Campaign (→, full-house installation), Kullo Gallery, Tallinn

2005 Living Sculptures (living sculpture), Tallinn Art Hall


2017 JVB, (self released, audio cassette, each copy has different length) with Jonas Van den Bossche & Juhan Vihterpal

2016 lyllemäe mixtape, (c90, self released)

2016 201501 / lyllemäe mixtape –  split tape with Underground Forest, c90

2015 Live Recordings 2012-1014, C60, Trash Can Dance

2013 Kuldaveärt Karud – Æstivation, C60, Oluheli Records

2012 Kuldaveärt Karud – sügis 2011/kevad 2012, C60, Oluheli Records

2011 Demo Träcks, cd-r, self released


2008 – Estonian Academy Of Arts (Interdiciplinary Arts, MA)

2009 – 2010 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Facultad de Bellas Artes

2004 – 2008 Estonian Academy Of Arts (Graphic Art, BA)


2009/10 Erasmus Placement in Valencia, Esp

2007 Eduard Viiralt’s fund

Organized Workshops / exhibitions

2016 Window Show, exhibition-city-tour, Tallinn (with Paulo Ramos, Kersti Vallikivi)
2014 “Ear Swap” (with Hannah Harkes), sound dislocation, city tour, Tallinn, Helsinki, Vilnius


2014 – adhesion / dance-music-performance group, with Hannah Harkes and Kaspar Aus

2011 – Viru Realist / black psychedelic music group, with Lauri Koppel

2006 – Kuldaveärt Karud / art-music collective, changing lineup over the years

2004 – → Noolegrupp / artist group, with Triinu Jürves

→ = projects made by →Noolegupp